A lot has been happening with the Input Output HK and Cardano. The platform’s Daedalus wallet has been a work in progress for a while now. The platform seems to be moving ahead with the same as it has been rolling out several versions of the Daedalus wallet. The latest news from the Cardano community reveals the launch of a new version of the Daedalus wallet.
Daedalus 2.4.1 Hits The Market
Just last week the Input Output HK rolled out the Daedalus wallet update 2.4.0. This update entailed several features including a saturation indicator for stake pools, possible rewards estimation along with several other advancements pertaining to the display factors. Additionally, the ranking display of the wallet was also upgraded in the Daedalus wallet update 2.4.0. However, IOHK decided to spruce things up for the wallet and rolled out a new version, earlier today.
IOHK took to Twitter to announce the launch of Daedalus 2.2.1 and its features. IOHK revealed that the latest version of Daedalus had to once again undergo changes with regard to its display. The tweet suggested that the IOHK team had retouched various factors like stake pool display, highlighting only top pools while ranking all the other pools.
Elaborating on the latest changes IOHK wrote,
“Stake pools yet to mint a block or those with only a short history of block production are unlikely to deliver rewards to delegators. Therefore potential rewards from such pools are estimated at zero. Such pools are now ranked equally.”
This change was reportedly implemented following several concerns raised by the stake pool operator community. The latest version would be automatically updated on the users’ existing wallets.
The changes implemented in the latest version of the Daedalus wallet is reportedly an upgrade to the Daedalus Flight pre-release. While the team continues to work on the integration of the Trezor hardware wallet, IOHK urged its users to keep an eye out for the next Daedalus Flight pre-release beta wallet. The date of the release remains uncertain, however, the team assured that the Trezor integrated wallet would be out soon.
ADA Garners Tremendous Profit
While the Cardano community has been enjoying the launch of the latest version of the Daedalus wallet, the price of ADA was seen reaching new heights. At the time of writing, ADA was trading for $0.105327 with a whopping 12.78% increase over the last 24-hours. The market cap of the coin was a little over $3 billion.